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التصنيف: Philosophy and Social Sciences -Books & Journal Articles in english
Number of Subcategories: 12
ترتيب حسب : عادي | الإسم | التاريخ | العدد | [تنازلي]


Subcategories: 0
Files: 8

Referencing Style Guides

Subcategories: 0
Files: 5

Rorty- Richard

Subcategories: 4
Files: 39


Subcategories: 1
Files: 36

Critchley- Simon

Subcategories: 1
Files: 36


Subcategories: 3
Files: 223


Subcategories: 0
Files: 32

Philosophy Articles

Subcategories: 2
Files: 12


Subcategories: 4
Files: 13

Philosophy Guidebooks

Subcategories: 0
Files: 1014

Dilthey- Wilhelm

Subcategories: 1
Files: 14

Georg Henrik Von Wright

Subcategories: 0
Files: 19
الكتاب تاريخ التنزيل الحجم الكتب
Centrone - Logic And Philosophy Of Mathematics In The Early Husserl 2013-06-25 15:14:47 1.58 MB 1265
Chakravartty - A metaphysics for scientific realism 2013-06-25 15:14:47 1.89 MB 458
Cherry - The Death of Metaphysics_ The Death of Culture_ Epistemology_ Metaphysics_ and Morality 2013-11-07 15:04:49 870.71 KB 443
Code - Feminist Interpretations Of Hans-Georg Gadamer 2013-06-25 15:14:47 4 MB 871
Cohen - Contemporary Debates in Applied Ethics_ Contemporary Debates in Philosophy 2013-11-07 15:04:49 2.39 MB 955
Colebrook - Gilles Deleuze_ Routledge Critical Thinkers 2013-11-07 15:04:49 718.17 KB 488
Collapse Of Philosophy And Its Rebirth Husserl Rickert Bakhtin 2013-06-25 15:14:47 31.19 MB 511
Colman Ed Film__Theory__and_Philosophy__The_Key_Thinkers-2010 2013-11-07 15:04:49 8.63 MB 2877
Compbel - Moral Epistemology Naturalized _ Canadian Journal of Philosophy 2013-11-07 15:04:49 10.32 MB 639
Conant - Realism with a Human Face 2013-06-25 15:14:47 3.33 MB 528
Conard - Philosophy of Neo-Noir 2013-06-25 15:14:47 913.96 KB 686
Conard - Philosophy of the Coen Brothers 2013-06-25 15:14:47 1.82 MB 485
Conley Ed - Rethinking_Technologies 2013-11-07 15:04:49 14.14 MB 572
Conrad - Philosophy of Martin Scorsese 2013-06-25 15:14:47 2.02 MB 517
Cooper - New Computational Paradigms - Changing Conceptions of What is Computable 2013-06-25 15:14:47 4.9 MB 1820
Copleston - A History of Philosophy 7 2013-06-25 15:14:47 8.47 MB 513
Corbin - History of Islamic Philosophy 2015-03-07 19:19:54 1.88 MB 697
Corrington - A Semiotic Theory of Theology and Philosophy 2014-09-22 05:36:48 1.75 MB 611
Craig - Philosophy - A Very Short Introduction 2013-06-25 15:14:47 1.93 MB 484
CRISP - Knowledge and Reality - Essays in Honor of Alvin Plantinga Philosophical Studies Series 2013-06-25 15:14:47 5.01 MB 2240